Device Lending Library
The Lighthouse Library now has more than 500 devices available for demonstration or loan!
We are a partner of the State of Minnesota STAR program -- a System of Technology to Achieve Results. We loan assistive technology devices and demonstram them; and we can access a wide variety of devices from other MN STAR partner members in the State.
You can check out a device for up to 30 days to see if the device works for you. You can also request a demonstration of one or several devices to learn about what’s possible. Our device loans and demonstrations are free to MN residents with any kind of disability.
The Lighthouse Library includes a wide range of both mainstream and assistive technologies. (Wondering what is assistive technology? Click here)
Examples of devices in our library include:
·Computers, tablets, specialized keyboards -- to use for telehealth visits and other purposes.
·Smart Home technology devices for environmental controls. For example: allowing person to operate lights, TV and more via voice command.
·Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices.
·Electronic magnification devices.
·Specialized lighting.
·Portable “roll-a-ramp” system for wheelchair access to homes or other buildings.
·Adaptive telephones, the Jitterbug cell phone and smart phones.
·Personal emergency management systems.
·Medication reminder systems.
·Safety and assistive devices to make it easier for someone to come home after a health care crisis (bath chairs, grab bars, bed rails, fall detection monitors, and more).
·Technologies that assist with learning, sensory equipment and much more.
Click here to visit MN AT4All to view what's available