Lighthouse student Caleb standing on the pier in front of the Arial bridge
Lighthouse student Caleb standing on the pier in front of the Arial bridge
Pablo standing alongside mentor "Big Wave" Dave
Pablo standing alongside mentor "Big Wave" Dave
Students practicing sewing at a table
Students practicing sewing at a table

School Year Transition Program

with us this school year!
Get Ready to Own the World
The Lighthouse Transition Program is a comprehensive nine-month program that runs from October to June. We practice independent living skills, school and work success skills, and interpersonal skills so that you become ready to take on your future world.
The program has two integrated components:
1. Five in-person mini camps that run from Friday afternoons to Sunday afternoons. We provide the transportation.
2. Weekly one-hour remote sessions, either group or individual, depending on your goals.
Click here for a brochure about the Transition Program.
The link will open in a Microsoft Word document.
The Transition Program is open to youth 14 to 21 years old who have visual impairment or blindness and are still in school (middle school, high school or college).  The program enrolls youth and young adults from across the state of Minnesota.


To Apply

If you are interested in the program, please do the following two things:

1. Contact your State Services for the Blind (SSB) counselor to talk about your interest in the program. If you need help with that step, let us know. We are happy to help get you connected.
2. Fill out the brief interest form online at the following link: Lighthouse Transition Program Interest Form. We will get more detailed information from you once you are enrolled in the program. If you need a copy of the form that you can download to fill in or to print out, click here; you can email or mail the form to us.

Lighthouse Center for Vital Living                  Fax: 218-624-4479
309 West First Street                                   Email:
Duluth, MN 55802

Call Chris Correia, Transition Program Manager, at 218-624-4828 or email him at